Whats Up Everyone?

Jun 23, 2007
Hi everyone,

Im Will. I Just turned 17 not too long ago and my friend James(James From Cali) told me about this site. He said there is nothing but great info on this site. Well he got me into the whole 'Aquarium Hobby' so I picked up 2 10g's, an Aquaclear 20, an Incadescent and Flourescent hood(the flourescent hood's feeding opening is broken but it works), about 15 lbs of Flourite, a heater, and a piece of malaysian driftwood for 30 bucks. Im soon going to be upgrading the filtration to a canister filter....something 105(lol, cant remeber the name).

James had gotten me into the biotope scene and planted aquaria as well. So I am going to be starting a Bangladesh Biotope(That will contain Zebra Danios, a Dwarf Gourami, Giant Hygrophila, and Blyxa Japonica) and an African Biotope(will contain a breeding pair of Kribensis cichlids, P. Pulcher I believe, and a bunch of Anubias sp. and Bolbitis).

Right now I am cycling the one tank and getting everything I need before setting up the tanks. Then after I set the one tank up(the Bangladesh Biotope) I will start working on the Kribensis tank. I know some people advise against Kribs in a 10g but I am going to have many hiding places, Lots of plants, and be on top of water changes.

Everything I know I learned from James. I am hoping to learn more and more from everyone on here.


Dec 23, 2005
Wow, you're off to a very good start with all that info. When I started, I had no idea that you could have live plants in your aquarium!
Everything you mentioned looks good. Good luck, and welcome to the tank:D

Jun 23, 2007
Thanks everyone. Yeah I kinda have to thank James for all the info. When I was starting I went to Petsmart and Walmart for my info. Then James had told me the right info. I am going to be taking things very slowly so when I get it set up I will let you knoww Dino.