what's up with my fish


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
He was fine yesterday. This morning I fed them and he didn't eat. (I don't know if he's a he or a she ;) ) Very swollen, eyes bulging. Other piece of info is that the other fish seem perfectly fine, but all of the flame tetras (the puffy one is a flame tetra) have ragged fins, I thought it was because they always nip at each other, could this be something else?

How would I treat it (specific products) and what about the other fish? I also have a pleco in there, hope he's not at risk. If I treat the tank with something will it be better to proactively treat the other fish or take him out and put him into isolation and only treat the flame tetras?

Temp 10g w/a small/young plec, 5 flame tetras, 1 black phantom tetra and 2 red serpae tetras.

I can put the flames in a bucket of water w/filter but I don't have any other tanks. I theoretically could go buy another 5 gallon kit at walmart but I think my husband will think I'm making stuff up :)


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
What fish is the one you're asking about? A flame tetra?

It's probably the serpaes causing the ragged fins, they should be in AT LEAST a group of 10 to minimise their notorious nipping, my experience has found them to be worse than tiger barbs at time.

It sounds like your fish has dropsy though a few more details will determine this. Are the fish's scales sticking out? What are you readings for ammonia/nitrite/nitrate?

Unfortunately if it is dropsy it can be very very difficult to treat. I've been lucky in the past but survival rate with dropsy is very low. If it is dropsy I suggest moving the fish into isolation with a bit of salt in the water and increased aeration. There are a few remedies on the market but these only work if the cause isn't viral.

May 19, 2010
I agree. Them damn serpaes are notorious nippers. The black phantom can also be a nipper if not in a school. Had that problem myself until I got him a partner. Most tetras are notorious nippers unless kept in larger groups. As for singling the sick one out without buying another tank, get one of those small in-tank breeding boxes that hang on the inside of your tank. They are only like $5.00. That way he can stay in the tank, medicate him, and not have the medication go into the tank as well as keeping the water the same temperature. Good luck


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
Well, he died :( I am going to get one of those breeding boxes because that seems like a good idea if I ever have to do this again. His scales didn't seem to be sticking out until AFTER I took him out. I was looking at that when he was swimming and he looked ok but then when he died and I took him out his scales looked puffy.

I know the serpaes are notorious for nipping but they stay together with the phantom and they nip at each other but don't really bother the flames or even mingle with them much. The phantom is very calm. The serpaes have mellowed out a lot, they will sometimes chase each other away, but no nips and their fins are perfect :) Of course they could just be performing for me during the day, but in the nights when I sneak down there to watch the pleco in the dark they are usually asleep in one corner.

So, should I worry about my other fish? How can I get the fins to grow back in the flames? Or am I just out of luck with such a small group? (only 4 now :( ) Can the pleco get dropsy??

May 19, 2010
Sorry to hear of the loss. Moment of silence here.....

Ok, Plecos can get dropsy. Is he showing any signs of sickness? As for the others' fins... they would have to grow back naturally, so hopefully the Serpaes leave them alone. I was going to say get a separator for the tank, but it's only a 10 gallon, so may not be worth it.


Medium Fish
Sep 19, 2009
north jersey
The plec looks good to me. There is one other fish that looks maybe a little ratty but I can't tell. He is behaving normally. Water tested fine this morning, no ammonia, not cloudy or anything. Today's water change day anyway.

edit: actual readings ;)

ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate between 5-10ppm (used api liquid test kit)

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