What's wrong with my catfish??

Jul 16, 2003
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I have an albino catfish that is looking quite lumpy. It's scales are protruding and some are literally in the shape of bubbles. My guess it has dropsy and I've heard there is no cure and that medications won't help it. I've been treating the tank with a few different medications and none seem to help.

Are there any medications that would work and is it in fact dropsy that my fish has?

The catfish still has an appetite but doesn't come out from hiding much.

Jul 16, 2003
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My ph ranges from 7.0-7.4. I'm constantly having to adjust the ph in my tank. I'm not sure what would cause the ph to fluctuate all the time. I have rounded gravel (brown and tan), and plastic plants.

These are the medications I've used. I've also had a problem with fin and tail rot. I've used Maracyn, Maracyn Two, Maroxy and now I'm using APPlus+Antibacteria.


Large Fish
Aug 1, 2003
Washington State
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Most people say not to adjust your ph, just to leave it alone, because adding all the chemicals can cause ph swings that are bad for your fish. I can see trying to adjust it if the ph is way off, but I would say that a ph range of 6.5 - 7.5 is just fine. I would say to do maybe a 50% water change and leave the ph alone, let the fish get used to a certain ph level.

Sounds more likely to be one of the following.


A viral disease that causes the host cells to swell up giving rise to tumours, that almost look like spawn (granular) attached to the body and fins.
There is no guaranteed cure so it is probably best to dispose of the fish humanely.

Glugea, Henneguya

Sporozoans that form large cysts that look similar to
Lymphocystsis and is also incurable, dispose of the fish humanely.