What's wrong with my guppies? Please help!


New Fish
Jul 17, 2012
Hi, I have a 90L tank ( filter, heater, air pump) and 2 male guppies. The tank was set up on 7th June, 2 guppies added on 16th June ( I added 2 more guppies on 30th June but they passed away )

For the first 3 weeks or so they seemed very happy, super energetic and loved exploring the tank.
My ammonia was 0.25 for a couple of weeks but is now almost 0 again. During that period I was doing partial water changes every other day and reduced their feeding to every other day also.

Background of my then 4 guppies (last week): 3 of them became very anti social, hardly swimming at all ( they would just stay at the top corner of the tank near the filter) not gasping or anything but they did have a long whitish thing hanging from them every now and again. Two of them (the ones that are now dead) used to kinda shake ( sometimes their backs look a little bent too) and had what looked like fin rot ( chunks missing from fins and red edges). They still used to eat ( expect one of them which was too slow to ever get any food) Anyway one of them went totally missing ( looked everywhere including filter) my pet shop and forums said that he probably died in the night and was eaten by the remaining guppies. A couple of days later my other guppy died. So I currently am left with the 2 originals.

Right, I was advised that they have fin Rot so treated the tank with Interpet Fungus/Finrot Treatment Interpet Fungus/Finrot 100ml | Pets at Home and also added some aquarium salt. ( this was on Saturday )

My black guppy has always been well from day 1 and very active. But today he had some white marks on him. I will attach a photo, its just between his tail and body. Also his side fin is a little thinner that usual.

My green cobra has always had a belly on him, but looks very fat at the moment, he constantly poops and has a lot of ( white-ish/ clear ) string/treads hanging from him. Pictures attached. He still swims around and eats ( I gave him pea in case its constipation) His fin rot still looks bad but doesn't seem to be getting much worse so I think think the treatment for that may have worked a little. But his general colour has faded.

Both of them kind of shake alot. My black guppy has always been very greedy and first to polish off the food but today has lost his appetite , Ive never seen him like this before, hes not swimming around much like he used to. I'm so devastated and feel like crying, please can someone help me, I'm worried sick about them *SICK*

Here are my water readings:
Temp: 26-27c
Ammonia: 0 - 0.25mg/l
Nitrate: 5
Nitrite: 0
PH: 7.6+
High Range PH: 8.2
Oxygen - 8mg/l

p.s sorry for the long essay. I wanted to give as much background and info as possible. Thanks x


New Fish
Jul 17, 2012
Today the white mark on my black guppy looks much worse. It looks like he could of scratched himself on something. Its almost looks torn. What shall I do?


Superstar Fish
If you have ammonia you need to be doing daily water changes to keep it at zero. 25-50% changes are usually required. What you describe sounds like a water quality issue and the treatment stuff you are adding will make the tank re-cycle and cause an ammonia spike more then likely so be sure to check it daily and change water as needed. This might last a couple weeks if it cycles again.


New Fish
Jul 17, 2012
Thanks, I check the ammonia daily and it looks like its pretty much 0 again. Its looks more yellow than green on the test result.

If I do daily water changes will he have a chance of recovery? It looks like an open wound could he get an infection?