Whats Wrong with my Neon


Small Fish
Oct 23, 2002
Boulder, CO
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Okay, every 5 days or so I have a neon look sick and then die a couple days later. Before this started happening we lost our two dwarf gourami and our catfish. We treated with a anti-bacterial infection stuff and then with some anti-parasite stuff. Then everything was fine for a week. Now the neons are slowly dieing. Never more then one at a time seems to be sick.

The sick neon will first stop swimming with the group and stop eating, but will look fine otherwise for a day or two. Then the neon will start hanging out near the surface for a day, sucking down air. His lungs will seem a little inflamed(sticking out but not miss colored). His mouth will also be really wide open, like he unhinged it or something. It seems to take about a day for this to progress to him stop being able to stay upright and then he will die(or now we just freeze them b4 they die so they don't have to have that experience and hopefully don't pass it on...) Any idea what the sickness is? Should I retreat,

This is the tank I am looking to remove my UGF in, so right now it has a UGF and a emperor 280. It is a 29 gallon tank. There was some wood in there from a tree in our yard that my wife boiled down for a day. The intial trouble began about 3-4 weeks later, but I removed the wood out of fear that that was causing it. My wife(happyfishes) says she got info from this site about the wood, have other people had any trouble with this?

Oct 22, 2002
Air quality?

I had another thought as I was going to school this morning.. do you think it could be related to indoor air quality? We didn't have any problems during the summer, when the doors and windows were open all of the time, but now that it's cold- windows are closed, heater is on- we seem to be having lots of fish deaths. The temperatures in the tanks don't seem to be fluctuating...

Has anyone traced problems back to indoor air quality before? (other than obvious things, like painting a room)

Oct 22, 2002
Sorry but I disagree especially with Soulfish! Its not a bad thing :)

The symptons you mention Bren sound like gill flukes to me! The reason I do not think its an air quality issue is because it happens to only one at a time, not all of them. Ive had a school of rasboras get wiped out from gill flukes already, one at a time.

What are your water parameters? The more info the better! Water change schedule and the like! Because more fish are affected, it seems to be a global issue.

About gill flukes/disease, it usually comes from poor water conditions such as ammonia, nitrites, parasites introduced with new fish, lack of water changes, low 02 levels, overcrowding, lack of quality foods!

-Improving water conditions
-Improving diet
-salt and heat
-patiece and no mercy policy!

If you see any fish showing symptons, best to remove if quickly before the flukes reproduce and continue the cycle.


Small Fish
Oct 23, 2002
Boulder, CO
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ammonia, nitrites, nitrates are all good.
I had another thread on this, but I think they may have come in with my cories. I should have known better, I don't really like how the fish look at that LFS, the other LFS is much better, but the cories had looked good.... However a week(maybe two) after we got the cories the dwarf gourami's died, then the cories, all of those died within a week while we treated with different things. Then five days later or so a neon died. We thought maybe it had to do with the medicine having a bad effect on the neons.
But now we have lost three neons, and like I said another is showing some signs. We are going to turn up the heat and add salt.

RedTurquoise: What should we do for diet? Since the treatment the neons seem to refuse to eat flake food. However they eat the frozen brine shrimp, tubifex worms and blood worms that we offer.

If using salt how long should we wait before starting to remove it through water changes? What water tests do we need to do so we don't end up killing the fish?

I really appriciate all your help,

Oct 22, 2002
You can continue with your water changes, just add the salt back in! This way you keep the water clean! If feeding dried food, you can soak them first in a vitamin solution. The vitamin product in available in petstores and its a liquid form.

Ph needs to be constant as with temp!
I dont remember, do you have live plants?

You can treat with fluke tabs I believe however if you have another tank, put the sick fish in there and treat!