whats your feeding schedule for your fish? and what do you think of mine?


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
Mon:My 3 bettas get fed 3-4 Betta bio-blend pellets,my other fish in my ten gal and in my 2 gal get fed twice with HiPromin Hartz flake food

Tue:My bettas get fed 2-3 hikari bio-gold pellets and my other fish in my ten gal and 2 gal get fed HiPromin Hartz flake food.

Wen: My bettas get fed 6 Aqua culture betta pellets and my other fish in my ten gal and 2 gal get fed HiPromin Hartz flake food.

Thurs: My bettas get fed 1 hikari bio-gold pellets,1 Betta bio-blend pellets and 2 Aqua culture betta pellets and my other fish in my ten gal and 2 gal get fed HiPromin Hartz flake food.

Fri: My bettas get fed 2 hikari bio-gold pellets 1 betta bio-blend pellet and some nice peas and my other fish in my ten gal and 2 gal get fed HiPromin Hartz flake food.

Sat Betta's recieve no meal,Ten gallon fish and 2 gallon fish receive blood worms and Hipromin hartz flake food.

Sun: Ten gallon fish and two gallon fish get one small meal, and betta's get a yummy blood worm treat of 3-5 blood worms and 1 pellet of any type depending on what i fed on this day last week.

they all get fed twice a day at 12:00p.m and at 6:30 P.m sometimes an extra small meal at 12:00 a.m

i'll be adding live food / frozen food to this schedule in the next month or so, so what do you think is their anything i should change at all?


Large Fish
Oct 25, 2006
Coolville, Ohio
Looks fine to me. Your schedule is much more complex than mine. I feed my bettas HBH Betta Bites 2 times daily, 6 days a week. I feed my other fish flake food with some pellets mixed in 2 times daily, 6 days a week.


Large Fish
Jun 1, 2005
Near Chicago, IL
Once Daily:

Feed the 46g tank: Bloodworms, TetraMin flakes, and sinking shrimp pellets. Sometimes vary shrimp pellets for algae wafers.

Daily or every other day:
TetraMin flakes to the 25g tank. [whatever the tetra gold fish flake food name is] to the Goldfish.

2x a day. Crushed/broken flake and bloodworm meal to the juvenile killifish.

Mine is simple:

Monday: In the morning I feed 6 pieces(3 meaty 3 veggie) of TetraMin Tropical Crisps to my Convicts:

Tuesday: In the evening before turning off the light I feed 6 pieces of TetraMin Tropical Crsips to my Convicts.

Wednesday: I dont feed them.

Thursday: In the evening I feed 8 pieces of veggie TetraMin Tropical Crisps to my Convicts.

Friday: In the morning I feed 8 pieces of meaty TetraMin Tropical Crisps to my Convicts.

Saturday: Same as Monday.

Sunday: I dont feed them.

Thats my schedule!


Large Fish
Jul 20, 2005
Washington, DC
Wow, that feeding schedule is very regimented. I don't think fish have regular meal times in the wild so I don't force them to have one at home. Sometimes they get fed a few times a day (cuz I like to watch them eat :D ) and sometimes they don't get fed at all. The only time I make an effort to feed them every single day is if I'm going out of town for a week or more then I'll fatten them up the week before I leave.

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Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
All my tanks are different...but generally I feed a mix of flakes, frozen brine shrimp, and bloodworms once daily(alternating foods). Skipping whatever days I don't feel like feeding them on. :)


Superstar Fish
Jun 5, 2006
Wenatchee, WA
Should only feed once a day. Also, just because you didn't feed on one day that they are going hungry. When you drop an algae wafer in the tank, what do they do? They munch on it, right? Same with algae in the tank. If no food is present, they do get nourishment through algae, and other things in the tank. I generaly only feed once a day, and skip a day every now and then, with the exception of my eel tank. I feed flakes to the other fish during the day, and when I feed the eel bloodworms at night, the other fish have another feast as well.


Large Fish
Oct 16, 2006
i like to give my betta's a few diffrent foods in case something happends to one bottle of food like it's open and falls into the sink and thiers no more left,that way they won't be picky at what to eat, plus i have a betta who is super picky already and he needs to learn he won't get blood worms every day >|

everyone in my ten gal is completly happy with their flake food and rare treat of bloodworms :p.

still working out the bugs of feeding my betta's variety meals x.x

you guys/girls schedules are pretty neat soem of the foods you feed your fish i have never seen =P