Whatsup Fellas


Large Fish
Jul 5, 2005
Hey been a member for a while now, but never really introduced myself.

I am a med student by day and a business owner also by day. Loved fish and the whole aquarium thing for a while. Since I was a kid the Shedd Aquarium has been my place to just chill. People say its cuz im a pisces, but eh. I got a small 5g... I think.......... on my desk.

For some unknown reason all the fish i buy live a long freakin time. And this is way before i learned a crap load on this site. I've never had the time to tackle a bigger tank, but I feel with the info you guys have I can take it on.

Wish me luck, and lend me an ear, an eye, and opinion, because I plan on treating my self to a 75g tank on the 21st of this month (b-day present.... to myself).

Thanks guys,
