When fish go to heaven

Apr 22, 2003
So what do you guys do when a fish dies? Flush them? Garbage? Leave them to scavangers? Bury in the yard? Freeze and bring back to fish store? :p

I'd prefer to have a yard to bury them in, personally. But alas i reside in an apartment and burial is not really an option. I usually flush them. Which is okay when the fish is one I'm not super-attached to, or an anonymous tetra. I feel bad flushing my favorites though, when they go. And I don't know what to do to the bigger ones. Right now Eddie, my rainbowfish is the biggest fish I've ever owned (4 inches and growing) and if he goes one day, I wouldnt know what to do with him.

I did try burying a fish once when I was younger. A favorite paradise fish of mine died and I buried him in a plant pot. Then little bugs started appearing all over the soil, and eventually started harming the plant. So there goes that idea.


Small Fish
May 3, 2006
I'm so glad I am not the only one who buries my fish. I wrap them in a papertowel, place in a small paper bag, and bury. I have plenty of land and just cannot bring myself to throw away fish, they are pets too. My husband just shakes his head and lets me do my thing. If we lived in an apartment, I'd most likely bury them on the land of a friend or family member. Only bad thing about burial, you must remember where you bury them. I have not been too good about marking the spots and the other day dug up a past deceased. Oops.