When is it safe to put back in tank?


Large Fish
Apr 7, 2003
The Milk Carton
YAY! *celebrate i just revived my betta from a case of ich and fin rot after a vacation. he if 95% better, and i have a nice 5 gallon tank for him in my room for after i take him out my hospital tank. my question is, when can i put him in the 5 gallon? he isnt completly better, but in 1-2 days, he should be fine. he still has like 2 white spots, but otherwise he is fine. before he sat at the bottom, not moving. in the mourning, i thought he was dead, only then to move him with my net. now he is swimming happily! :) :) :eek: :p *celebrate *laughingc

P.S. i also have a small case of ich with my severum after the vacation too (i hate leaving my fish along, lol) and i will put him in my hospital tank too. can i put him in with the betta, or should i wait until i take my betta out of the hospital tank?

thanks! :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
wait for a while more vacume the gravel and then give a final treatment.3-5 days after the last spot is gone repeat and transfer the fish.if you transfer too soon you won't get rid of the infection as the invisible stage of the parasite is still happening in the tank.this is the most important time because if you don't kill all the ick while free floating the medication won't effect the parasite