i believe you can have too much filtration. i think the goal is getting the best balance for your situation. in my tropical tank, i run a Fluval 304. there are about 12 schooling fish, two dwarf gouramis, two moonlight gouramis, two clown loaches, three snails, and maybe something else i've forgotten. the tank is 40 gals. this is the only filter and it keeps the tank in beautiful balance. matched with UV the water is so clear the fish appear as if they are floating in air.
switch gears. my goldie tank. 46gal. three fancies, 1 Lionhead, 1 Oranda, 1 Ranchu. Filtration includes an Emperor 280 and a Fluval 304. I have not been at all pleased with this particular combination and switched the Fluval to a Eheim 2026 last night. I'm expecting better results with the increased media capacity.
if i were to add more filtration, it would be an undergravel filter but it really isn't necessary.