when should you trade or get a smaller algea eater.. I have what I think is a fake SAE....looks like some pics I found on a web site ... he/she is about 3 1/2 inches long in a 10 gal with all the others ....see below
I guess as soon as the fish starts getting cramped in the tank. Depending on what you have in the tank I think some ottos would do nicely in your 10G. I have 2 in mine and the do a great job of keeping the algae down.
Goodness your tank looks overcrowded...ever thought of getting another tank?!
yes I want to have another tank.... but bills come first ... been looking in the free section of the newspaper hoping to come across another 10 gal tank but no luck so far... I would move the molly babies into it and then go from there, the babies are for trading with lfs but have to wait till they r bigger.
ok i think i got it the fish i have is a pleco figured this out by going to marineland web site to look at the bio-wheels and got to looking at thier pics and saw one that looked like mine.... yeah for web browsing
mmm...a pleco is gonna get to be about 14in...time to trade that puppy in...also, plecos tend to not eat much algae in comparison to an otocinclus or a true SAE...do you have an algae problem? I would imagine w/out live plants you wouldn't even really need an algae eater
no live plants ...... no real algea problem.....he is kinda cute tho ... trying to keep the tank minimal but nice looking ... hope in next month or so to get another tank but after hubbys job picks up .. so I can use the money I make on the fish which is gonna drive hubby crazy lol
with no algae i would say skip the algae eater all together: first off, there is no need for one, and second, there are many more atractive fish than any of the algae eaters (in my opinion)