When you don't research..

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
I kinda looked back over my tank, and its short history. Here are some pictures to explain first.

September 3, 2005

October 16, 2005

December 22, 2005

December 22, 2005

April 7, 2006

June 20, 2006

Lessons learned:

1. Do ALL research possible before you setup a saltwater aquarium.
2. Rinse sand before adding...and add rock first, then sand, then water.
3. Do not put anything into your tank that you will EVER want back out.
4. Do not buy a tank on impulse, even if its amount of gallons is greater. Go with something that is easy on the eye.
5. Do not be bitten by eel.
6. Do not buy anemone if you are a beginner, even if you THINK you can handle it. BTA pictured is in better health now, at LFS.
7. Clean tank regularly, do not skimp on anything.
8. Do not buy tang if you have anything less than a 75 gallon.
9. Stock lighter than 1"/gal, it'll be easier on you and your fishes.

ABOVE ALL, expect to pay $20/gal...or atleast somewhere around there. Cutting corners will only set you back further in the long run.

I am expecting to shut this tank down soon (at its 1yr anniv), just figured I'd share my "failure" with others, in the light that they may see their inexperience too as it seems there are quite a few people that are just starting their aquariums here. My join date says Jul 2005, but I didn't start actively using this forum until a couple months ago. I wish I would have done more talking here first.

Oh well, my planned aquarium will be able to really give you guys something to look at. *thumbsups

NOTE: No animals were killed in the making of this post. Except a scarlet hermit, but the eel ate him. *laughingc

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
In total, there were 7 damsels at once, they were a christmas present *thumbsdow

All but 3 were given to LFS. One gotten by eel. One lives (3-stripe, full grown). One met the bad side of the Penguin's.

It is very difficult to work with. The shortest distance to the bottom requires my entire arm in the water, except beginning of shoulder.

The shots up until December are when I had my 17w Light w/ 6500K bulb. I am now running a 20" 96w 50/50 (10 000K/Actinic). Its still only enough for a FOWLR.

Night Shot, today...

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