Where are they going??

Jul 17, 2010
I am fairly new to the aquarium world and am getting pretty confused. I have been randomly having fish disappear, and have no clue where they are going. A total of three have now disappeared, and I cant find them. They are not in the tank, or anywhere around the tank. I dont really know much about the system other than how to turn everything off and on for the monthly cleaning, so I am wondering if there is someplace in the tank that they could get sucked in to???


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi Bissy:
Welcome to MFT, and to fishkeeping! Sad news is that most likely your fish died at the mouth of another fish. Since this is your first post, could you let us know what size of tank you have, what kinds of fish, snails, shrimp, et. al. you stocked it with, and also your water parameters? By that I mean the crucial readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. If you don't know about testing your water, or stocking your tank appropriately with the right mix and number of fish, or the best way to do water changes, you're going to get lots of helpful advice from us here so that your remaining fish are happy and healthy. So please give us some info, and we'd love to help you out!