where can i buy "real" rocks online?


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Well hello...I tried my hardware store but that don't have a very good rock selection and also my LFS does'nt have a very good rock selection. Is there  a website where i can buy rocks? I'm trying to look for OBSIDIAN ROCK, its black rock. ok please lead me to the right place.



Atlantic Fish

big als has a good selection of rock, i dont know if there is much online www.bigalsonline.com  but if you get them to send you their free catalog there is a lot of pics of rock avalible though them.  Other then that is the a rock quarie (sp) near you?  Look in the yellow pages maybe under landscapeing.  There is a business here that sell alot of rock all diffrent types and sizes for landscaping, ie rock walls, gardens, the rock is really nice, you wounld be surprised at what you might find...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Why by rock? Take a walk near a stream, on the beach, down the block, and pick up rocks there, then bleach/boil them, test them with vinager (if the rock fizzes, you can't use it, too much carboneate limestone) then put it in your tank. Much cheaper.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I have purchased 3 rocks from LFS, (tulfa rock?) and they were very expensive.  Mainly I got them because the shapes were just to cool to pass by.  Caves, nooks, crannies...  

All the other stones I have I got from a landscaping/pond supply local place.  They let me go thru their pallets, take out what I want, and essentailly charge me $5.00 - every time, regardless of what or how much I get.  I've got some really cool slate that I got from them.

As far as online, I don't know if I would do that.  Just think of the shipping nightmare.  I bet it would be expensive.  If LFS rock is high dollar - this would be high dollar + shipping.
I also bet there wouldn't be many large pieces left by the time you received your order.  I mean, would a distributor really spend the money and the time to pack a box of rocks with lots of bubble wrap or "peanuts"?

I'm just a teeny bit irritated at the moment.  Sorry if the tone is offensive to anyone.  I come in peace, really.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
thanks for all the suggestions. Well, is taking rock from a lake, stream, river, etc..legal? because I don't want to be just picking up rocks at random in any body of water, or anywhere and all of a sudden some ranger or something tells me your committing a crime, well hehe anyway, anyone know. Thanks again for all the suggestions.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I think the only time you would have to worry about this
would be if you were defacing a national landmark or wildlife preserve.  To walk to a local pond or lake wouldn't be a problem.

So don't try to get part of Plymouth rock, or something out of the Grand Canyon.  I also wouldn't try taking anything with a fossil, from say, the Badlands!