Where is my Goby?

Sep 9, 2007
Hi, I just recently got a shrimp and goby pair to put in my 12gal aquapod, they came together and well when i introduced them into the tank they went on their own way tried to put them on the same spot and well left it at that and when i got back from work noticed the shrimp was working on the tunle on its own and the goby no where to be seen, the goby was in back in the sponge part of the back filter i put him back in the tank and at about 730am the shrimp opend the cave and the goby went in, its been the last since i've seen the goby I still see the shrimp working on cleaning on the tunnels but i dont see the gpby on the look out. My queastion is where is he? is it normal for him to hide out for the first couple days to he gets used to it, is he dead, did the shrimp eat him? please help. thank you in advance:confused:


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
wow you have a lot of fish in that 12g. The wrasse may be harassing the goby but sometimes they do hide out. My wheeler goby will sometimes hide out for days at a time......then one day poof! he shows up

Sep 9, 2007
Yeah the morning that the pistol shrimp opend up the cave for him to get in the six line was picking on him a little but to much though. I am just warried cuz i see the pistol shrimp working on the tunnel and the goby no where in site not even on the look out. so is it possable he got stuck somehwere in the tunnel no where to get out i dont know.

Sep 9, 2007
yeah I hope that is the issue i know my sixline is aggressive at times and my clowns they are both calm they only pick at each other but other then that they are calm. I see the pistol shrimp mostly all the time digging more tunnels i counted at least five diff wholes where the shrimp comes out but since the day that i saw the goby go in with the pistol i havent seen him since he looked back one time and then never seen him since. I can say that my goby was very scared when i added him to the tank but some day i hope to see hime live and well


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
have your water parameters changed....if the goby died and is trapped under the rock you might get an ammonia spike.....but usually if something dies and you can't get it the cleanup crew will make a meal of it......keep an eye out for it maybe he only comes out at night.....when he thinks it is safe

Sep 9, 2007
yeah i already did my water change yesterday my permiters were ok when i checked today my ph dropped a little 8.1 due to the fact a hirmet got killed by another and i left it in there over night but other then that my parameters are good. I see the pistol digging all the time so i know he is not dead i checked with my lfs and he said that when he put his goby and shrimp in the goby didnt show up for a while so i am hopfule but hate to lose the goby if i did.