Which 1 would You choose?


Medium Fish
Oct 29, 2002
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I've got a 40 gal. that is understocked and I"m divided between 2 scenerios for fish. It currently houses 3 zebra danios, 1 rosy barb, and 3 ottos.

Which would you choose to add?

A shoal of tiger barbs and more rosy barbs?


Tetras and half a dozen corydoras?
(Not sure which tetras. Not that many colorful tetras the size of tiger barbs.)(Like'em big:D )



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I've got a thing about keeping schooling fish in schools so I'd add 3 more zebra danios and 5 more Rosy Barbs.
If you're keen on tetras though...Congo tetras get pretty big and are very beautiful. You don't want to put any fin nippers with them though.
My diamond tetra is stunning....you could do worse than a school of those....again not with anything like aggressive like tiger barbs or their fins will be dinner.

Ya I would throw in more barbs, just not tigers. A few more rosys and some cherry barbs would be nice.

Bleeding heart tetras are big and really cool but if you are looking for an active fish stay away from em. They tend to lounge or slowly glide around especially in smaller tanks like a 40 gallon. I've seen em in an 80 and they were pretty active.

May 19, 2003
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whatever you decide to do (you have A LOT of room if you have a 40g with only those few small fish) i'd get more zebras (at least 3) and more rosy barbs (5, as mentioned before)...

on top of that you could do the school of tetras and some corys...
you COULD do tiger barbs, but they get larger over time...

personally, i'd rather see you run a few schools of smaller fish as opposed to the larger, nippy Tiger Barbs. As always, I'll mention and recommend throwing in possibly a pair of (or one if thats all you want) Dwarf Gourami (the Neon blue and orange kind). He's got to me my prettiest and favorite fish, with the most personality. He'll eat out of hand, do headstands on the bottom, charge through a school of Zebras to let them know who is boss, etc. They are awesome fish.

Heres my recommendation off the top of my head:
6 Zebra Danios, 6 Rosy Barb, 12 Neon/GloLite Tetra, 5 Cory, 3 Otto, 2 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami