Which bulb should I get?


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I have a 20 high and a 15 gallon and both have the same size of hood. I am pretty sure they are using 15 Watt flourescents. One of the bulbs is made by GE and the other by marineland. The GE bulb emits a nice white light but the marineland bulb makes everything a dull greenish hue. So which one is better and should I replace both with something else? The GE bulb has really helped my water sprite grow both planted and floating and my java moss loves it. Under the marineland bulb I have not had too much growth. I also don't like the greenish light as it makes the tank look durty and the fish look ugly under it. Also what other plants besides java fern could I grow with the current lights I have.


Large Fish
Jul 24, 2003
Have you posted this question in the aquatic plants forum? (http://www.myfishtank.net/forum/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=6)

otherwise, i'm a bit surprised your plants are doing all that well considering the low light light levels. in general, a planted tank is best to have at least 2.5 to 3 watts per gallon for good plant growth. for that you'd need to go with power compact lighting. it's quite easy to do it yourself for reasonable cost. if you want to at least check it out, go here: http://www.ahsupply.com/twox.htm

check out the 2 x 13watt Bright Kit™ for your 15 gal tank

for your 20 gal you can see the options here: http://www.ahsupply.com/36-55w.htm

if you aren't up for a DIY project you can get lighting at www.thatpetplace.com (do a search for aqualight and see the 24" 65w fresh) or try www.hellolights.com i bought the 1X65W for my 20 gal high here: http://www.hellolights.com/241xcofraq1x.html

if you write them a note they will meet any price you find online that's cheaper. when you buy lights for a planted tank be sure you get freshwater lights with the 6,700K bulbs.

hope this helps.
