Good Afternoon-
In the near future, I am going to set up a 55 gal planted tank. I've decided, from all the accolades that I've found on this site, to use an eheim filter on it.
However, I've seen countless posts comparing them with other brands, but not with the different models that Eheim offers.
Can someone please explain to me the differences between the ecco, professional, professional II, regular, thermofilter, and any other models I've not listed? Furthermore, which would be the best for my tank-to-be?
Thanks a bunch- and Happy 4th of July!
In the near future, I am going to set up a 55 gal planted tank. I've decided, from all the accolades that I've found on this site, to use an eheim filter on it.
However, I've seen countless posts comparing them with other brands, but not with the different models that Eheim offers.
Can someone please explain to me the differences between the ecco, professional, professional II, regular, thermofilter, and any other models I've not listed? Furthermore, which would be the best for my tank-to-be?
Thanks a bunch- and Happy 4th of July!