Which Fish for 38 Gallon?

Dec 26, 2006
I plan on setting up a 38 gallon tank soon. Would like to pick some fish that would interest young children. I'm considering the following list of fish. Please share your thoughts or suggestions.

1-2 Angelfish (Looking at Gold Veil Angel)
7-8 Rummy Nose Tetras
2-3 German Blue Rams
2-3 Yoyo Loaches
2-3 Ottos

Could I get any shrimp that would survive?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
How experienced are you with fishkeeping?
If this is your largest tank to date, and if you also haven't had a whole lot of experience keeping fish, then I'd try for something a little more forgiving than the fish you have listed.

It really all depends on your level of commitment.
How involved will the children be, and what ages are we talking about? Is it for a classroom or home? Will the children be expected to only feed the fish occasionally, or provide routine maintenance---such as water-changes, etc.?

If you are super committed and dedicated---AND the primary caretaker of this setup---then the fish you mentioned should be fine. If, however, the kids will be taking on a lot of the chores, I'd stick with something simpler...

...maybe some platies and/or a school or two of hardy tetras and some cories on the bottom...maybe even some snails, depending on whether or not you want a planted tank, etc.

Shrimp should be added last, in my opinion, because many of them feed off of substances only available in a more established/'mature' tank. Bamboo shrimp, cherry shrimp, and ghost shrimp all come to mind.

Once you answer these questions I'm sure you'll get some better responses...Sorry for being so long-winded, as usual. :rolleyes:

Big Vine

Dec 26, 2006
Big Vine,

This will be the largest tank that I have owned to date. However, I would not consider myself inexperienced. As far as location of the tank, it will be in my home. The children are my kids and I will monitor their occasional feeding. I will also be handling all of the routine maintenance.

Would any of the shrimp mentioned be considered food for any of the fish I have selected? Which would be best suited?

Thanks for your help.