Which goes in first?

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
I have been cycling a 55g tank recently to uncrowd a smaller tank. My question is, which fish do introduce first and last to the tank. I plan on putting my 3" chocolate pleco, 3" oscar, and 6" jack dempsey into the tank. It is not quite ready, but I would like some feedback as to which fish gets introduced when. I am thinking the jd will have to go last. Thanks for all the help, I love this site!!

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
I doubt it matters really, being big cichlids they are going to try to establish territory reguardless. Even if you put the Gouramis/pleco in first they arn't fish that can hold their own against the cichlids in a territory dispute. Basically either way i think you will be fine, no matter what order they go in.

If i had to chose an order, it'd probably be everything but the Oscar and JD, then the Oscar, Then the JD.

May 30, 2008
Midland, MI
Thanks Cichlid-Man. That makes it pretty easy for me then, I will put pleco in first, then oscar, then JD. I am getting anxious to get them a bigger/better environment. The other three(Gouramies, and blood parrot) will stay in the 29g.