Which HOB is better?


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
I got two HOB filters with my 30 gal.
Which one is better?

Millenium 2000
Aqua Clear

I'm going to get the Aqua Clear up and going (It's a 3 stage filtration), because it looks like it would be better. But I don't know. Any help before I go and buy the filter media?


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
Penguin Biowheel! : )

Aquaclears are pretty good too. Buy one that's rated for at least a tank size larger then the tank you plan to put it on. (for your 30 use one rated for a 40-50G)


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
Definitely Aquaclear!!! On all the tanks I've got, 3 out of 4 have an Aquaclear...only reason the other one doesn't is cuz the old ones haven't died out yet...when it comes time to replace I'm definitely getting another one!

I've got the 50 on my 20G, and the 70's on my 2 55's...(Oscar's tank has 2...I've got a Penguin biowheel like TabMorte had recommended...he's a slob and needs more...LOL!)


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
Another vote for Aquaclear, I had the same question not too long ago except mine was a choice between the AC 70 and the Emperor 400, I have both, but I prefer the aquaclear, it is very easy to clean and maintain and does a great job and they now have biomax for some models, I love that stuff!

My Emperor is always getting clogged and it is not as easy to take apart and cleaning is a huge hassle. I have never heard of the Millennium 2000 though, so I don't know how good it is.


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
I really really REALLY <3 my biowheels. I run a 150 on my 10G ram tank and a 250 on my 30G Community tank. If you haven't bought a filter yet I seriously recommend taking a look at them. I love how much room they give you for filter media. I love how well the wheel helps aerate the water. The only thing negative I can say about them is not to use the extentions. They only created problems for me.

I use the aquaclear minis on my other small tanks but like I said definitly go a size bigger then what you think you need. I have an Aquaclear 20 on a 3G betta tank and a 30 on a 5G fry tank (with sponge over the intake which does slow it down a bit).

You can never have too much filtration! (Unless it's blowing your fish all over the tank!)


Large Fish
May 29, 2008
Memphis, TN
Well, for now I'm running the 2000
No bio stuff for the aq

:[ Darn you Petco!

My petco has been being jipped by corp... They're not getting any filter supplies, fish, or anything right now DX


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
honestly I don't care for hob filters. to costly and having to buy cartrages every month or so gets too expensive. i had to have 2 hob filters that pumped 350gal per hr on my 55 just to keep it clear.All the time i used the hob filters my nitrate wouldn't go below 40ppm even with regular weekly cleaning and water changes. now all i use is a powerhead and sponge that is rated for a 80gal tank and the clarity of the water is great and the nitrate is 20ppm or less. i'll never go back to a hob filter again. i use sponges in all my tanks and they all look great. the quality of the water is the best it has ever been. and they are a lot cheaper than what i was using. the hob's i was using were the marineland penguin with bio wheels and they did a good job but just didn't help the water quality.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
honestly I don't care for hob filters. to costly and having to buy cartrages every month or so gets too expensive.
That is what is great about aquaclears there is no cartrage just a sponge to clean once in awhile.

Also i love it on my planted tank cause i don't run carbon so i have room for more bio-media.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Truthfully all you really need media wise is something like a sponge, filter floss, etc. Just something to catch debris. Carbon really is useless unless removing medication out of the water, or to give it a slight polished clear look. Other then that nothing is needed. I only run a sponge in mine.

As for them being to expensive, just rinse them out more regularly, its what i do. No problems so far. Biowheels might be, but something like the Aquaclear is really cheap on a monthly basis.

Its even better for your tank to rinse the cartridges or sponges more frequently. Do it once a week. If you let it build up then when you do it, its going to play havoc with your params because you did it all at once. A little over the course of the month is better.

Whiskers i have to believe something is sketchy here. I've owned sponge filters too, and they got just as dirty, if not dirtier then my HOB filters. I never noticed any difference between the HOB and Sponge filter, truthfully the HOB was more efficient because it was pushing/sucking more water. The sponge filters collected far more wastes though being directly in the tank. I can't agree with you on them being better personally.

Sponge filters are great for fry tanks, or when paired with an HOB...but i personally wouldn't run them alone.


Large Fish
Feb 29, 2008
central Michigan USA
did you run a powerhead with your sponges Matt ? i have a couple that i run with air like for my 10gal, 20gal and one the same size in my 55 just to keep a extra one seasoned in case i start a new tank or as a replacement when one of my other ones get to old and worn out. the powerheads seem to move as much or more water than my hob's did. how do i attribute my better water quality to the sponges if the hob's work so well for everyone else ? i'm kinda confused. i know that my water, even with a softener, is still like 40ppm nitrate from the tap which i know isn't the greatest but the sponges seem to knock it down to 20 or less where as the hob's didn't. I don't want to tie up this thread with my confusion so maybe some time catch you in chat and discuss this a little further ok.