which media combination for Fluval 405 ?

Which Media do you USE ?

  • Activated Carbon

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Purigen

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Phosguard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • other

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
Aug 12, 2008
I just upgraded to a 80GAL aquarium and I have a Fluval 405

After seing all the media available I have been Lost into trying to choose which combination of media.

I have 4 baskets and each basket has 2 compartments.

I decided to go with:
1st BASKET : 2 X 100ML bags of PURIGEN

2nd BASKET: 2 X 150 ML of CRUSHED CORALS ( its the first time im doing this since i never did but was advised to do so since I have a mixed African Cichlid Aquarium) to push the PH over 7.

3rd BASKET : 2 packs of BIOMAX RINGS for the bacterial growth.

I was wondering What other combination Can i use ??

Can I mix something else in there ? sooner or later I get algae problems and I was wondering If I should put PHOSGUAR in the extra media basket ?

I also have Live PLants.

I really NEED help because I have no clue.


Large Fish
Mar 11, 2007
Have you had live plants with the African Cichlids? they usaully rip them up from what i hear. Also there are sunstrates that you can mix with your gravel to raise your pH, When i had Cichlids the high pH seemed to make them happier and more colorful. But if you don't want to do that i suppose a chamber filled with crushed corals would help.
If you already have the Purigen i guess use it, but i would n't bother with it. I would run the crushed coral in the botom two baskets, then run Eheim Ehfisubstrat (or any bio media in the top two. Also some sort of fine filter water polisher pad in the very top.

The crushed coral will act like bio media so you could probably run three baskets of that and the biomax rings in the top (since you have them already)
In the filter all you need is the sponges to coloect debri and bio media for benifical bacteria, and in your case materail to raise the pH. As long as your amoina and nitrites stay at zero you are ok, if they aren't after enough time to fully cycle you need more bio media.

As far algea, run your lights for 8 hours or less a day, if you have enough live plants they should remove nutrients for the algea if not do water changes.
If you do have a phospahte problem which you can test for, something like Phosguar can help but water changes should work.


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
Here is how I like to do my fluval, I have the 404 which is just an earlier model of the 405. Bottom basket I use filter floss, then a mix of filter floss and biomax, then biomax, and the top basket more biomax. Really it is your choice on what you think you need, I think your set up sounds good. I don't know anything about purigen, so not sure how well it works. I also like epond's suggestion, crushed coral on the bottom and then three baskets of biomax, you may add some filter floss on the tops of the biomax, just to help collect fine particles.