which one is a fin nipper????


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
:mad: :( :confused: MY 55 gal tank is mostly barbs 9 albino, 7 green 5 tiger,3 gold,1 rosie,2 cardnal tetras,2 gold danios that wont die( my starter fish from 3 years ago) 2 rainbow sharks 1 albino 2 goramies 1 blue coral & 1 fire, and several assorted corys. which one do u think is chewing fins off?

May 27, 2003
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Most people would say its the tiger barbs. I dunno because I would have to observe your fish tank. Fishes have different personalities. My batch of 6 tiger barbs are very peaceful towards other species. They only rumble with themselves. Its the serpae tetras that nip fins in my tank. You should watch your fishes very carefully to see which ones are displaying signs of fin nipping. Maybe you can catch them in the act.


Large Fish
Apr 14, 2003
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I really like your fish selection, i wanted to do something similar with about 16 barbs in a 55.

I had some barbs with my gouramis and they never touched em. They never knipped my slow moving bleeding hearts either.

Poor barbs get a bad rep.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
:confused: Thanks for you responses I am still confused because, it is my geen tiger barb that is missing his whole tail and my largest tiger barb also has fin damage. I also observed my rainbow shark chasing but never nipping. He has been in the tank since the beginning and has plenty of hiding spaces. We have watched the tank for many hours, but have not seen any aggressors. the other thing I am suspious about now is that 5 of the 7 cherry barbs have also died, is it linked?? or just coincidence??:(


Small Fish
Jan 1, 2003
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I had BAD problems with my Tiger Barbs. They went back to the store because they were nipping. I had a heard of them in an attempt to keep them to nipping among themselves. The irony is that when I had fewer, they did not nip. It was when I added more that this became a problem.

But watch your tank. That is the best way to see who is doing what. It might take some time to figure out who is being naughty.

Jan 17, 2003
New York
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I think ive read somewhere that its the rainbow sharks that can be aggressive. My father has a 30 hex with a few barbs and a rainbow shark with an algae eater. When the pellet drops in the shark claims most of the bottom of the tank for his own. Could be that one.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
10 to 1 it is the danios. My two blue danios chase and nip everyone, they are very indiscriminate.

But with the combination of fish in your tank, it could very well be individuals of all your species who nip. Many barbs within schools will be aggressive with each other to the point of death of the omega fish. I've had that happen with a school of green barbs. One barb simply chased down and killed the other four. Now that one barb is pretty doscile, and I see more nipping from my danios than I do it.

If the fin-loss becomes wide-spread across species, it could also be a disease. Keep that in the back of your mind, especially if you are having fish die. Certain bacterial/protozoal diseases start as a fin rot on larger fish, and may progress to a sepcemia in small fish like cherry barbs, killing them without any clinical signs of illness.

It really requires a whole lot of patience to catch your fish in a moment when they are unware of you watching them. My fish are all perfect angels when I sit down in front of them and they think they'll get fed. But if I sit down in front of the tank at a time during the day when I'm not usually home, and I keep the hood lamp off and give them no indication that I'm there, I can usually watch "normal" interactions, find out who is dominate over whom, and learn the territorial boundries of the different individuals.


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
:D hey everybody it was the one and only rosie barb he was a freak swam from 1 end of the tank 2 the other fast and non stop he didnt have a pal so he was the bully on the play ground played rough and beat everybody else up late at nite he would chase and nip and kill say BYE HES GONE :D