Which one parameter is vital measurement


Large Fish
Apr 23, 2005
Austin, TX (born NYC)
From the list of water parameters below,
1. pH level
2. NH3
3. NO2
4. NO3
5. GH

Which one parameter could be used to measured to maintain a healthy (or is the most important measure of a healthy aquarium) aquarium provided these condition have been met,

1. The aquarium is well established for a period of time.
2. It is not overstocked
3. Only a few fishes are introduced into the tank (if under stocked) at a given time.
4. Do bi-weekly partial water change (about 25%)
5. Filter installed meet the requirement.

If you pick one, please explain why that particular parameter is more important than the others.



Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
In an established, healthy tank, I'd say nitrates - because ammonia and nitrites will stay at 0 (I never check those on my established tank). The pH and GH will vary tank to tank - what is ideal in an african cichlid tank is likely unhealthy in a planted tank. Plus that's not something you want to play around with and fiddle with anyways. Water changes will keep the pH and GH stable for the individual tank. A planted tank with C02 you'd want to keep more of an eye on the pH though from what I've read, I've never had one.

In a brand new tank, the opposite is true - you wouldn't even need to bother checking nitrates, and ammonia and nitrites are the ones you'd want to keep a close eye on. pH and GH remain the same (no need to fiddle, so not as important to check).


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I'm relatively new to this modern tankology stuff, but agree with CL.

With your 5 conditions being true, nitrates is all you may want to read from time to time.

If any of your 5 conditions has changed or is unknown, IMO, the most important would be ammonia (second would be nitrites) to see if you've induced a mini-cycle.