Whisper filters


Large Fish
Sep 2, 2004
Shelby, NC
Well, I used to swear by my dual 30-60 whisper filters on my 55 gallon, but lately they were clogging so much I'd have to clean the filter pads twice a week. Finally broke down and bought a new pack of pads. You can't beat the price for whisper filter "bags", 8 for like 10 dollars at wal mart. You also get bags of carton you can choose to use.

I believe keeping a whisper good and running is to replace the "bag" cartridges once every 2 months or as needed. I usually scrub them down in tank water, but it gets to a saturation point and they just turn black and nasty. And thanks to the "biofoam" grid in each outtake flow, that holds in the bacteria. I've found changing all four bags at once does not affect the bacteria.

I'm also running each bag empty as opposed to packing it with peat. They get nasty fast that way.

My tank is still a lovely red tea color too.

And on a completely different note, I really need to get off my *** and water change the 3 gallon guppy tank. Ever since I discovered a leak at the very top near the plastic brace rim, I've dreaded the 50% water change-out/investigation I'm going to have to do. Plus it's an Eclipse and acryllic, which aren't supposed to crack.


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
lordroad said:
You can't beat the price for whisper filter "bags", 8 for like 10 dollars at wal mart.
Sure ya can. ;) Have your tried using the polyester filling that you can get in the craft section? I used to use the regular filling, but the stuff on the rolls is MUCH easier to work with and still lasts for a very long time. I bought the $6 roll about 4 months ago, changed out the mechanical media in 2 canisters twice, and 4 HOB's and still have a ton of the stuff left. You can cut it to any size you want, and add as much as you want to increace the effecency of the pads. Well worth the extra time it takes to cut it out.

And have you seen those reusable clam shell filter inserts for the whispers? I bought some for about $3 each. The above mentioned media works great in these. So for about $18 ($12 for 4 reusable cartrages, $6 for a roll of floss), you can have an easy way to keep the whispers running great for a few years at least.


Superstar Fish
Jun 21, 2003
St. Paul, MN
Visit site
Filter fibre is a good old stanby. It's cheap enough to replace frequently and keeps the water crystal clear. As was said, you have to have some "permanent" media to hold the bacteria colonies. One of my fave set-ups is an AquaClear ... foam on bottom, BioMax bag on that, and filter wool on top. Replace the filter wool often, occasionally rinse the BioMax and foam in dechlored water, and you never have to screw around with cartridges again.


Large Fish
Mar 28, 2005
Bay Area, CA
lordroad said:
Ever since I discovered a leak at the very top near the plastic brace rim, I've dreaded the 50% water change-out/investigation I'm going to have to do. Plus it's an Eclipse and acryllic, which aren't supposed to crack.
Its probably not a crack but a typical problem with the way the rim brace fits on the acrylic tank. I had the same problem with my system 6 and and after finding no leaks did some searching to find that others had experienced the same problem. Basicly what happens is that when you fill the tank past the black rim brace the water can be syphoned up and over the acrylic tank under the brace. I'm not sure how the syphon starts or how its caused put i can tell you that it happens (twice to me), so be careful not to fill the water line past the black rim to be safe.