White blobs on fishes head


New Fish
Dec 29, 2004
Visit site
I have a RED EYE TETRA which has rather large white lumps on its head! Its body looks like it has DROPSY i have searched the net looking for the cure but im at a loss, my water is fine, anybody have any answers?

I also have a BLACK WIDOW which is 9 years old and i have noticed recently that is mouth has become black and deformed it now looks like a PIRANAH i have 2 other black widows and they are fine, like i said above there is nothing wriong with the water.

Ive been keeping fish for the last 9 years and this is the first time ive ever had a problem, any advice would be appriciated :)


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
It sounds to me like you have a bacterial infection in the tank. I would recommend putting the affected fish in a hospital tank and treating with a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Dropsy is usually fatal; it's a sign of internal organ failure. Sometimes the fish will pull through, but you do need to start treating ASAP.