White Clouds and Bettas

Sep 4, 2003
T-Dot, Canada
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Does anybody know if Bettas and White Clouds get along?
I know that bigger fish eat smaller fish and that every betta is different, but if anyone successfully had them together, could you let me know?
When i put a Cory in with my betta, he chased him around a bit, but the cory was too fast and now they seem to get along well enough.
I tried to put in some white clouds i have, and again the betta chased them a bit, but they took cover in a clay pot i have in there. i took them out however, because they looked kinda stressed and were not swimming much.
I don't know if it was just adjusting to the new tank/tankmates, and whether they just needed some time in there, but i didn't want them to get hurt so took them out..
any input would be appreciated! thanks

Sep 4, 2003
T-Dot, Canada
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Well, i was aware that they didn't like similar looking fish, but didn't know that applied to brightly coloured fish.. i thought it was only like big, flow-ey finned fish, so thanks for that.
Let me explain more about this, currently the betta is in a 3.3 gallon tank, and i know adding the White Clouds to this would overcrowd... but i do have a 14 gallon currently not being used.
So if they can get along in such a tank, i want to consider setting up the 14 gallon tank.
If they don't, then i'd like to wait a bit so i'm not running 2 tanks in my room !

May 28, 2003
Food Chain, Ontario
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In a tank that big, you might be fine, depending on how aggressive your betta is. My boyfriend tried to put my betta into a 15g with some neons. That's didn't work - he just went after them. I seperated him into a 2.5g with a small golden chinese algae eater. He killed it. However, lots of people have luck with smaller, faster fish (providing they won't nip the betta's fins!) and a betta in the same tank. In a 14g they'd have lots of room, so they might be fine.

jelly bean

Medium Fish
Sep 21, 2003
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I don't have any in with my bettas but its funny how many different pet stores will tell you oh ya go ahead its fine.Just like one store told me go ahead put a golfish in a little betta tank it will be fine.Which was NOT!!! But i now thank all of you guys for advice since i ask yous instead.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Hey Kid... your worried about two tanks? A 14gal is easier to maintain than a 3gal. I should know.. look at my signature.

Anyhow, to answer your question, bettas don't like other fish. Some bettas will kill the fish, others will chase, some will ignor. As the betta gets older, he will more likely chase or kill.

I wish bettas were easy to mix, but they are not. Setup your 14gal with whatever you please, just leave Mr. Betta in his own 3gal tank. He will appreciate it. Maybe get a female betta (one or 6 or more) for the bigger tank.

Sep 4, 2003
T-Dot, Canada
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Hey Iggy, Yeah you're right about the betta, i tried combining him with the minnows to see how they'd get along.
At first, my betta chased them, then let them to their own devices... then chased them some more...
It would obviously be stressful for the minnows to continue like that, so i removed them..
As for the 14 gal. I was soooo close to setting it up, (laid out the gravel, got ready to add water and start cycling)... but then had second thoughts...My 3 gal on a shelf in my room, and this 14 gal was beside it... then i realized I had zero room for any of MY stuff!! Plus i figured the noise from running two tanks, might keep me up, and the cost for a new filter and the rest of the equip. i need, may not be university student "friendly". So for now the tank is back in my basement, awaiting to be setup once i'm on my own (with more space / money to care for it)...
However, I just might buy a smaller tank (like 5 gal or something similar i can get my hands on) but i dunno yet... it's hard getting into this hobby sometimes, cuz there are sooo many interesting setups and fish out there, that it's hard to force yourself NOT to jump in too quickly and visit your LFS and wind up with more and more and more!!... You really have to step back and look at the animal's best interests, what YOUR best interests are, and of course what you have time to take of...


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
That sounds like a good plan, and shows a lot of restraint :)

Sometimes when I get the fish urge, I just go to the LFS to look at fish (some people leave their wallets at home), which seems to help :) It can be hard not to get addicted and spend all your money on fish and equipment.

Keep that tank, I am sure you will want it again some day.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Good idea. I am a regular visitor with all my nearby LFS, but they know I rarely buy before I research.

Space and money, ya I heard of those concepts... I have a lot of space but very little free money, so I can understand where your comming from.