White cottony things...

Jun 16, 2005
I have noticed since.. well almost as long as I have had my tank. There is like these little things clinging to the tank very tiny, cotton like things that sway and flow with the movement of the water. My fishies appear to find them appetizing because I'll watch'em eat them right of the tank walls. I don't know... there's something there, it looks pretty strange to me. I don't have any live plants in there. *ALL*

Jun 16, 2005
No. They are actually smaller. You wouldn't actually know that they were there unless you're really close to the tank. Literally they look like minuscule cotton balls. I would take a picture of it but I don't think that they could actually be seen that way. From what I can see they um.. don't really have a shape. To me it doesn't seem to disturb the tank in any way (I think) if you've seen pictures of my tank it's crystal clear.


Large Fish
Mar 16, 2005
Ankeny, Iowa
I think there's a good chance that Leopardess is right about the Hydras. Hydras have the ability to pull in all of their appendages and squash themselves into a little ball. They are generally harmless, they have been accussed of eating small Fry though. Unless your tank is a breeding tank that shouldn't be a problem. I have actually tried to get them in my tank. They often come with plants and Brine Shrimp