WHite Covering?

Mar 1, 2005
I don't understand it... I woke up this morning to find my last goldfish and pleco covered in a white film looking substance. They both have been fine up until then with no signs of difficulty or difference in behavior. But this morning, both were lying on the bottom with a transulecent white layer all around their little bodies. This white layer was also found all around the bottom of the tank. I am sad now because I love my fish so very much and I cant replace them or get new ones quite yet. I want to prevent this from happening again so if anybody knows what it is and what caused it, that would be a great help to me. I heard from a different fish disease site that it was a baterial infection...dont know if thats true or not. Thank you

Mar 1, 2005
Yes, it was my two gallon... Well I think I will have to go with a betta then, since thats what I keep hearing is best for such a small tank. Thank you for all your help and good luck in the future with your fishes...

Kristina Berner
Just be yourself today. It's so hard being someone else.


Small Fish
Mar 11, 2005
New Orleans, LA
I don't recommend Goldfish to small tanks. Sounds like they died from ick the tank being too small and over-crowded. But Goldfish are disgusting and produce a lot of waste and need strong filters and a large tank to keep healthy. With goldfish rules, it's 2 gallons of water per inch of Goldfish and some Goldfish can get up to 10 inches (Normal, Orandas, Fancy, etc) to 3 feet (Koi and Comets).

To make your tank lively for a small tank (I have a 2.5 gallon) you could add some ghost shrimp, live plants, and Apple Snails that don't eat tank plants. That's what I did and it looks interesting and nice and I found that my betta never bothered any invertibrates in the tank. Just make sure you have an air pump and small filter in the tank to help keep the water clean and any other little critter alive. Bettas breath air so they don't need air pumps if you just want a betta and nothing else.