white fuzz in fishless cycling tank


Small Fish
Jan 25, 2006
Southern Ontario, Canada
Alright, so I've been putting off asking this question until I had a few minutes to do a search for previous threads that may have covered this, but none of the other situations seemed to be quite like mine.

I've got a white coating on everything inside the tank, and when I run my finger across it (mm, slimy!) it comes off the surface as if it was made up of little strings, and then parts of it float through the water like little tufts of fuzz, or like cobwebs. In some places, it looks like the stuff formed into strings in the first place. I have attached a photo to help show what I mean.

I'm nearing the end of my fishless cycle -- my nitrites dropped to zero for the first time yesterday (yayyy!) What's been weirding me out during this process is that my nitrates have not been rising. This must mean there's something processing the nitrates -- could it be this white stuff? I am under the impression that algae isn't white, but that I should instead suspect that it is bacteria or fungus. If it is bacteria, perhaps it is one of the kinds that came in the bottle of Nutrafin cycle, which by the way didn't seem to speed up the cycle much, if at all.. the nitrites reached zero on day 33. If it is fungus -- well, I just don't know much about fungus. If I lean over the tank and take a big whiff, it smells like fresh soil.

Does anyone know what this could be, whether I should be worried, and/or what I should do about it? I'm asking before I take everything out and scrub it, in case it's the good bacteria I've been cultivating for the past month.



Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
I doubt it's bacteria, you will pretty much never see bacteria. It's more likely a fungus. Scrubbing stuff in your tank will get rid of some of the good bacteria, but hopefully there's enough on the filter to keep the tank cycled.


Small Fish
Jan 25, 2006
Southern Ontario, Canada
Wow, okay, great, I was hoping it would be something innocuous, thank you. And thanks for posting that link to the other thread discussing it, I didn't see that one in my search.

Strange that Nutrafin's "Cycle" bacteria supplement was mentioned in that thread too. Makes me suspicious...

Anyways, I'll scrub it. I'm sure I've got lots of other surfaces where the bacteria is living (gravel, ceramic rings in the filter) and I've got a day or so before I'll be adding fish anyways.

Cheers! :D