White "lump" on platy fin.

Jul 24, 2010
Hi again! I have noticed that my gold twinbar platy has a white "lump" type thing on its back tail. It is not ich, for it is WAY too big! Any idea of what this could be and how to treat it? PLEASE HELP MY FISHIE!


Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
If the lump looks like a piece of salt, then it's possible your fish has ich. Ich is extremely contagious and usually caused by poor water conditions. Do you frequently test your water with a liquid test kit? When did you complete your last water change? Does the fish have any other symptoms? It may not be ich but it is hard to diagnose without a picture. Could you post a photo?

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
What are your specific readings for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate?
The picture is very blurry and it's hard to tell, but one way you can help your fish is to increase the temperature of the tank to 80 degrees F. You can also add aquarium salt to the water. Place the salt in a small container with holes in the lid. Film canisters work well for this.