White Skirt and Black Skirt Tetras


Small Fish
Apr 28, 2009
Hey everyone!

I've had a White Skirt Tetra (affectionately known as Bob Marley) for a while now, and she seemed really happy, buy lately I've noticed that she'll hog the corner all to herself. I looked up some stuff about tetras and realized that they like to be in schools. So I bought some friends for her.

Now, don't tear me to pieces if this is the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I bought 1 white skirt and 1 black skirt tetra for her to swim along with. The two new friends are very small, and my older tetras fully grown. They seemed fine at first, but now the two white skirts have chased my black skirt into the corner and nip at it if it comes out. It seems like all of them get bullied by each other at one point, but the black skirt gets it alot more often. Any explanation as to why?


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
A good school (shoal) has 5 to 6 fish in it, and if you have them in smaller numbers one will try to be dominant. So I look into getting a few more.
I've seen different types of tetra school together but never tried it in my tank. It seems like they should but I don't know.


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
White skirts and black skirts are the same fish, so they'll school together. They are very nippy; the larger the school, the more the aggression will be spread around, thus reducing chances of one fish getting picked on too much. What size is your tank, and what do you have in it? Maybe we can make a recommendation of a good number of them to stock.