white spots on glass

Mar 6, 2006
Ontario, Canada
Hello my old tank seems to be getting whits spots on the glass i have never had this before it has been up and running for 5 years. Parameters are fine water chages weekly, 30 gallon tank with 9 fish 1 inch or so in length and 3 ghost shrimp, 6 live plants. I noticed it last week when i did my water change and scrubbed the glass, and it went away, now it is back.


Large Fish
Mar 6, 2006
Ontario, Canada
i took a few pics but there is no way you would be able to see the white spots. So today i did a half water change and scrubbed the glass and they are gone for now. I hope that it was just a really good cleaning that was needed or else im stumped on what to do. I will keep you posted in the next few days to see if they come back or not.

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
white spots on glass?

hello i have read your posts and i hope i can help. i have recently had some kind of tiny worms on the glass called planaria on the glass but mixed in with them were small white spots or tiny bubble like things. they dissapeared and my fish were in another tank so that may be a reason why they went they went after 3 days and no problems since. but i have no idea what it is. well i hope i have helped anyway. good luck in finding out.


Small Fish
Aug 3, 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Did you notice if the white spots were moving? It happened to me once. I noticed tiny white spots on the glass and on the plants and ornaments in my aquarium. After closely looking at them I noticed that they moved. It appeared to be some sort of "mite" to me. I've read a thread that it could possibly be small crustaceans called cladocerans or ostracods. I had added a female betta to my tank (just cause) and noticed she enjoyed picking them off. Although they are are still in my tank the betta has kept them under control for me, they are no longer on the walls of my tank. You have to look really hard in order to see some now. I'm not suggesting you buy a betta for your tank, I'm not really sure that's a good idea but I thought I'd share my experience in hopes that it helps. :)

Dan Steveo

Large Fish
Apr 1, 2006
South England UK
no i had one tank and then one of the fish caught a disease so they all went into the quarantine.

ps. i dont know if it was the disease on the glass.the disease i had was whitespot but it would have got to your fish by now if that was the case. so your fish should be ok in that area


Ultimate Fish
Feb 10, 2003
I would say that it's a good chance that it may be snail eggs on the glass. I've got them all over my shrimp tank. They shouldnt cause you any problems, but you can continue to remove them from the glass if you want.


Large Fish
May 16, 2005
Yeah I have those small, oval crustaceans on my tank. I cant seem to get rid of them. I've noticed that they multiply alot during warm weather and when I havent done a gravel vacc in awhile.

Not really sure if they are harmful or not to my fish/plants.

I also have them in my smaller betta tank. In that tank I have a black mystery snail and it seems that the snail is eating them when it crawls up and down the tank sides. But I'm not sure if its true or not..just that there seems to be a reduction in the crustaceans ever since I put the snail in..