Whitening of the gills

Jun 9, 2013
Dover, England
Hello everyone,

I came on here nearly a year ago when I was given two goldfish in a teeny tiny bowl. With a lot of help from you guys both my fish survived a very rocky first month and have had a great year since. They have been living in a 70 litre tank which they have just about out grown now. I have a 250 litre tank coming next week. However, in the last little while one fish has lost some colour and gained a white mark on each gill. He is still behaving very normally and eating well. Should I be concerned? I will try to upload a photo, having little success at the moment. Thank you again for your help. Btw, could be a she I cannot tell.

Jun 9, 2013
Dover, England
Really doesn't look like bone, no. And it is both gills that are affected. I have searched the internet and can't find anything like it. There is also a black mark behind his/her fin. You can see both these things in this image (sorry it is blurry)


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
does it look fuzzy or fleshy? also are the two white spots symmetrically in the same spots on both sides?

sounds like this is a health problem and you may need to treat with anti- fungal then anti-bacterial meds. those would be the first two suspects imo.