Thanks for the input---if anyone else has an opinion on this, please chime in!
That's precisely what I was thinking, Matt.
Also, in the pics below you can clearly see that the suspected male (the gold; which is also the larger of the two) has a much steeper slope to its forehead. But to me, the main difference can be seen in the genital papillae---in which the gold angel's is much more pointy, yet proportionately smaller than that of the green angel. The green angel's is also much blunter, and its forehead slopes much more gradually.
Gold angel occasionally chases the green angel, but only half-heartedly.
Originally I was thinking this was because they might both be males, but upon looking closely at the photographs, I find that difficult to believe. Much more probable, IMO, that the smaller green angel---who I'm suspecting to be female---is not ready to breed yet and therefore does not 'give in' to the gold male's advances.
At the same time, I
want a breeding pair AND I
want to keep both of these perhaps my assessment might tend to be a bit biased. Then again, I think the evidence supports my theory.
Any other opinions for or against this theory?