Who did it?


New Fish
Mar 19, 2005
North Dakota
I'm missing a Yellow Tang and a Yellow Tail Damsel They were very healthy, eating well, active, and approx 4 inches in length(tang) and 1 inch (damsel)

One day they were just gone! No carcass anywhere.

I have left in the tank, a Flame Angel, Yellow Goby, 2 percula, coral banded shrimp, numerous hermit crabs and snails, an Emerald Crab, and a Red Sea Serpant. ( I've had the Serpant for 1.5 years, The Shrimp for 9 months, and the Emerald Crab for 3 months)

My water params are all up to snuff, The problem is they are just gone. I've done a through cleaning, searching for a clue, but to no avail. I've even checked the skimmer ( I have a perc that just loves to venture in there now and again) Nothing, Any ideas would be apreciated.


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
I would just guess the serpent, do you have a scientific name or website? I am unfamiliar with a "red sea serpent". have you moved all the rocks and searched everywhere? Hermits can clean up a body very quickly and you might have missed it if was under a rock or something. I can tell you that nothing else in your tank ate that tang.


New Fish
Mar 19, 2005
North Dakota
Red Serpant otherwise known as a brittle star. It's a very peaceful variety. I can't imagine a fish that size could just be gone but it is. I've turned over all the rock, thinking too that it has to be there, but nothing.
I was thinking the crab, he is my newest addition, and he's quite a brusier, always knocking stuff over, and pushing thinks around. Then there's the Shrimp, he is always trying to grab the fish as they pass to closely. I've seen him grab at the Angel several times, but the Tang was my largest fish and the Damsel was the smallest fish.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
everything in your tank seems too small to kill the fish other than the star (serpeants and brittle stars are different btw)...if it wasn't the star i would agree with aresgod that they must have died and been scavenged...hermits, emeralds, and the star would all work to clean it up verrrrry quickly