Who says female bettas are drab?

Sep 16, 2005
Single Red Female

This sassy little number has been living with us for the last four months. She likes long naps on the java moss, shrimp pellets, and posing for the camera when she notices everyone else swimming away from it. She's looking for a spry companion who can keep up with the attitude that matches her fiery fins. She's got a few things to say to those people who propogate the myth of females not being as pretty as their masculine counterparts. Her idea of a perfect date takes place in slightly acidic, somewhat soft waters, with abundant plant life, just enough current to get things rocking, and a nice dark substrate to bring out her unabashed sexuality and vibrant colors.

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Sep 16, 2005
thanks for the compliments, guys!

she really exhibited her firecracker personality a bit earlier today; she was chasing the blue gourami (twice as old and twice her size!) around the tank.

if i can pull her away from patrolling the tank, timisu, she'd love to set up that date. ;)

and chaz, i think you should go natural. we've got a natural 2.5 gal with a male betta. we just gave him a 10w cf desklamp over his tank and started putting plants in for him, and he seems very happy.