Who uses lunar lights?

Ok everyone, I'm just looking for more opinions than information. I have a 55g freshwater I'm almost done setting up - Just need another heater (for backup) some more plants and two more schools of fish, and a small powerhead and I'll be set, however I'm thinking of adding some nice blue lunar lights to the tank. I know there are hundreds of products and DIY kits that are available, and I'm not concerned with that. My question I'm posing to everyone is who of you are using them, and do you really like them? I think the nice blue look is great, but does it really do anything for anyone and do you see any health benefits to your fish? Adding light to simulate the moon seems like a great idea, but I'm not sure if it's worth the money!?



Jun 21, 2008
I don't have lunar lights, but am intrigued by them, so I'm interested to read what other people post. So, I know this isn't what you're asking about, but your zebra danio, rasbora and tetra are all schooling fish and should not be kept as singles. So I just wanted to mention that your stocking plans should include adding more of each of those.


Medium Fish
Dec 25, 2008
Port Charlotte Fla
id do some reading on it, there are some fish who take their cues from the lunar cycle when it comes to breeding, they where i believe Marine fish.
On the other hand some Tropical fish are nocturnal, s use lunar light to see by.

I personally like the looks especially the dimmer white, and plan on installing some this week, even though i do not have any fish in yet that may like lighting in that manner ( Kuluii Loaches ).

I say if you like it, go for it, it certianly cant hurt the fish.

Designs, I'm sorry that I didn't correctly put my signature down there. I don't have them as singles and in fact all of them are in schools of 6 or more. I should have better reflected that, so I've changed it.

I've been intruiged by using the lunar lights so I'm just grabbing for ideas from people who may have used them.

PCFishGuy (I'm also intruiged by your name!), I personally like the blue lights and don't actually have any REAL reason for getting the lights, except for my own regard. I haven't actually heard about some fish breeding under that light, so that's kinda interesting. I've never even thought about that when it came to considering the lights, so I probably should read up on that a little more


Jun 21, 2008
Ok jester, just making sure. I like the blue lights too, but haven't been able to justify the expense in my mind, although I have seen several DIY kits, or things not intended for aquarium lighting but that can be used as such. You might run a search on here for "blue light" or something similar.

Jan 13, 2009
Elberta, Al
I bought a HOT5 system about a week ago and it has the lunar lights with it. As far as fish benefits, not really sure but I enjoy it immensely, especially laying in bed watching the tank. I got mine in a 47gal bowfront.

I've heard from several sources that it benefits the fish but I haven't seen anything drastic.

Lunar Lights

I've been using lunar lights for years on reef and fish only marine setups. The primary reason is to simulate natural lighting, and live corals and fish seem to benefit from them.

I believe that fish are more comfortable with a nighttime lighting system, and in reality it's not a very expensive proposition at all.

Also, a secondary advantage is that you can see what your fish are up to at night, and that can be very interesting as well.

All in all, in my opinion lunar lighting is worth the expense!


Superstar Fish
Feb 22, 2008
I love my lunar lights! Mostly because I get home from school in the middle of the night, and the aquarium lights are off, so I use them to navigate around my room, since the ceiling fan is broken and the lights don't work. They make the tank look nice, IMO, as well.


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
My powercompact fixture came with a built in lunar LED and I think it looks pretty cool when all the other lights in the room are out. I don't know too much about the lunar lighting kits or what is technically considered lunar lights. I was under the impression that you could just use a bunch of LEDs to get the desired effect. Am I missing something that makes lunar lighting expensive enough to worry about? I've seen it done with Christmas lights too, which aren't too bad if you get them from the right place at the right time of year.

I've also heard of people using other types of lighting out there (such as car neno lighting), but I'm just not sure I can justify the cost right now. I'm still on the fence but I really love the feedback from everyone. Knowing me, once I get the rest of the tank finished, I'll probably add the lights. The problem that get's me, this tank is in my office at the house, and not in my bedroom, or living area so it's hard to justify at this point. Ahhhh the decisions of the hobby! ( and to think iIve already started to plan another tank! )


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
I think they look great. One of these days I plan on adding them to my 55g tank. I have one on my 10g saltwater tank and one on the 14g planted tank (however, there's too much duckweed on top for the dim light to get through).