Whoa, I didn't know this was here...


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
Hey all,
So I've been asking a swarm of questions over the past month or so and it occurred to me that I didn't really introduce myself. I also just stumbled upon these threads while bored in class.

My name is Peren, and I'm a 4th year undergrad at UCSD. I should be done very soon around March (woohoo!). I've never owned my own tank until about 2 months ago so I'm pretty new to all this so please be patient. My other hobbies include cycling and mountain biking, as well as rock climbing and slack lining but because of school and work and now with this tank, I don't have much time to do any of that. Anyway, you all have given me as warm a welcome as I could have wished for but I figured I'd let you in a little bit on who I am. Thanks for all the help so far!


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
Hi there :) I never would have known what slack lining was until my brother introduced me to it. Now, my balance is horrible, but its super fun to watch the guys do it. Must have started out a California thing? My bro was in the navy stationed in San Diego when he learned it...so maybe its a cali thing?? Anyway, welcome to mft :)


Large Fish
Sep 20, 2008
San Diego
haha thanks for the welcomes!

Yeah I don't know about the origins of slacklining. But it definitely helps to practice over dry grass in the sun. And what do you know? California just so happens to have a lot of that. So if anyone in the SD area wants to cycle or climb send me a PM :)