Why are Crystal Red Shrimp so Pricy?


Large Fish
Mar 3, 2007
90 degrees north
Cherry shrimp were the same back when they came on the scene 4-5 years ago. I saw a bag of 10 adults go for over 60$ three years ago.
They now go for about what I sell them: females 3$ males 1$.

Give it time and they will get cheaper.

Or I may get my hands on some, and then you can get them REAL CHEAP.

May 22, 2007
They're pricey because they were bred down from 3 red showing individuals found in a batch of about 3,000 pale blue shrimp by a guy in japan. These were then bred for individuals showing the most red and white for several generations until they got what we call crystal red shrimp. There are even grades within this that differ with how much white they show. Having all been bred from the orignal 3 shrimp, they don't have much genetic differentiation and don't adapt well to less than ideal conditions.

Shipping them to america is pricey and there's huge losses when they do this. These aren't very hardy shrimp and it's not worth the risk for most LFS. Once things really get going in america the prices will drop. For now there's pretty high demand for them, and not much supply.