Why did my tank un-cycle itself??!!


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
Recently up graded my 120l tank to a 180l, when i did the change i left all the filter media in the water used all the same gravel (plus a little new) and used about half the original water then topped up with new. I also added a very mature fluval u3 internal pump so it had two oversized pumps onit. I let it sit for a couple of hours then moved the fish in. Over the next few days the ammonia kept goin up and up, i ammo locked it and didn't feed my fish for a few days but it got so bad i had to move some into my 4ft with the discus and the other gone on holiday to my lfs! why did this happen??? anyone know?


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Sounds like you added something that killed off your bacteria. Like stoddern said, did you treat your water with dechlorinator before adding it to the tank? Also, ammo lock isn't a good idea, it can throw off your test results.


Large Fish
Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
Visit site
I just want to ask a question here. I have noticed that on most of your posts you ask a question or reply to another's answer on a post, you always argue with the answers given. Most people on here know what they are talking about from experience, and will not give anyone incorrect information. I have been in this hobby for over 20 years( I started back when no one had heard of cycling) and I still learn ALOT from the people on here. My advise is, (if you are going to ask a question or reply to another's answer, and you dont agree) just ignore the advise and go on. You most likely will also learn from experience and mistakes.

Good luck and happy fishkeeping.


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Large Fish
Sep 21, 2004
Baton Rouge, LA
Visit site
I dont use and have never used Ammolock. I just make the necessary water changes. The only chemicals I use are chlorine remover. I understand you are a newbie, but arguing about what advise is given is like i said defeating the purpose. If you are gonna disagree with all the answers, why ask the questions?

Sorry to hijack the post. This is all I am gonna say.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Ammolock just hides the ammonia problem, it doesn't solve it. When you start adding chemicals to mask the original problems, you run into even more trouble. Nothing substitutes for a real tank cycle. I've also heard this stuff throws off test results because of its "locking up" of ammonia, if you mess with your test results, you'll never really know where your tank is in its cycle.


Ultimate Fish
Aug 26, 2003
Southern California
Ammonia will still show on some kinds of ammonia tests, even if you have Ammolock in there. It's the difference between free ammonia and total ammonia. Free ammonia is what is dangerous to your fish.

I've had a similar problem when I upgraded a very overstocked tank that had a whole lot of crap at the bottom. My mini cycle only lasted a few days, though.

Make sure you're testing for nitrites, too. Those are much more deadly than ammonia.

Just to make sure, you didn't let your gravel dry out, did you?


Medium Fish
Jul 28, 2009
no i didn't let the gravel die out but now i realise i did make a really stupid mistake and thats what did it!! i filled the tank with water from the hose pipe to the right temp, turned all filters on, did a quick test then added the fish after an hour, took dogs for walk then suddenly realised i didn't de chlorinate so rushed back and did it. luckily all my fish are still alive but i didn't realise at the time that it would kill the bacteria!!! how stupid am i??!!! still waitin for it to cycle!! all fish are still on holiday!