My LO66 (his name is Hollywood) is not growing very fast. He seems to be taking his sweet time getting bigger. I have had him since before December, and he is my new pelco and happily is the only pelco in the 30-gallon tank.
Now the other 6, they were about a 1.5 inches and have now grown to about 4 to 5 inches long in on average. The oldest one is about a year old now down to about 8 months old from the day they came home from the fish store. They eat a ton of food off the bottom. My honey, (Dr. Fishkill on this board) feeds them a ton of algae chips and sinking chips in the tank. Now, granted their are cories, algae eaters and Oto in the tank as well, and that is the way we make sure everyone gets enough to eat, plus the other fish’s leftovers. They all live in the 75-gallon tank.
I guess what I am trying to say is each fish is different. My oldest pelco is smaller than the ones Dr. Fishkill brought with him when they all moved in. (Thankfully, the 75-gallon tank had room in it to take the contents of his tank!!) Just as long as their care for and eat, be happy. The pelco will grow in time.
Monster is cool! I gotta get my gang out for some pictures... I swear they see the camera and all the fish run for cover!