My fish never do any swimming that is worth watching. They just sit there. My 4 neon tetras just sit there in the back corner of the tank and tred water, My orange serpea tetra hides when i turn the light on, and my Red platty sits in the upper right back corner of the tank next to the heater... Why do my fish hate me?
All of them seem extremely afraid of people moving around outside they tank and after 3 weeks they still haven't adjusted to life in my tank. The water quality if fine, no ammonia, no nitrates. I even change the water once a week.
Do i need more fish to accompany them? I don't want to add too many right now cause i'm doing a fish in cycle.
All of them seem extremely afraid of people moving around outside they tank and after 3 weeks they still haven't adjusted to life in my tank. The water quality if fine, no ammonia, no nitrates. I even change the water once a week.
Do i need more fish to accompany them? I don't want to add too many right now cause i'm doing a fish in cycle.