wich is better


Small Fish
May 11, 2008
i wanna do a nano 10g with no coral just live rock sand with maybe a starfish lots of snails and hermits of cores and maybe a clownfish or 2 and i wanna now wich is better this filter Power Filter: Bio System Power Filter & Surface Skimmer from Drs. Foster and Smith or just a nano protein skimmer from aquriumguys and im also thinking of having some colorful kelp,Maiden's Hair Plant,Halimeda Plant ,or just some Ulva Lettuce Algae or something that doesnt need high lighting

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Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
hmmm better do some research.....no filter is necessary, a couple powerheads and the live rock and the dilligent water changes necessary with a tank this small are all that is needed. Please rethink your livestock choices......2 clowns are too much for a 10g even 1 is maybe pushing it. The only starfish you could or should have would be a brittle or serpent star both which can get very large. A chocolate chip maybe, but not sure of their feeding needs, sand sifter is definitely out as they require a large footprint of very active live sand to sustain their voracious appetite.