Wierd bug thing. Any clue?


Large Fish
Nov 5, 2006
Daytona Beach, FL
Ok, so i got a new live plant today and apparently it brought home some sort of hitchiker. it just a wierd little bug thats about, eehh, maybe 4mm long. i saw it when i first put the pllant in and now i cant find it at all. it looks like a small small stick with two eyes that come out of the each side of one end, and two thin feelers i guess you could call them coming out of its behind area

does anyone know what this is, or might be. can it be harmful to my fish?



Large Fish
Jun 27, 2005
Could you give a better description?It sort of sounds like a mosquito larvae when you say it has feelers on it's backside.

One things for sure though,you should always check your plants before adding them to the tank.Give them a wash first in a seperate container to make sure there are no critters on them and check the underside of the leaves and stems for eggs etc.If necessary give them a dunk in a weak bleach solution to kill anything.1 part bleach to 20 parts water and soak for 2-3 minutes then rinse them well.This will also kill most algae spores aswell.

Prevention is better than cure.*thumbsup2

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