
Sponge Bob

Medium Fish
Jul 18, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Im a newbie at all this fish stuff but I had a betta which I bought when i was 8 (Note Im only 13 right now) and kept it in a margarine container with no filter no heater and it did better then any other bettas I ever saw before. It lived for 3 1/2 years and it died when I was 11 from getting dehydrated (little cousin grabbed the Betta and threw it on the ground :( ) I was just wondering if the way I took care of it was bad.....Alot of people said I did the wrong thing but I was just wondering what you guys think? The temperature for the water was 20 c.

BTW: I have a feeling that I might get flamed for this :(

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Superstar Fish
May 26, 2003
Makaha, Hawaii
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no were not gonna flame you...BOIL HIM!:D joke

actually i have my bettas in dual betta tanks with the divider taken out which is about twice the usual betta gets. since ive been here ive learned alot more about them and alot of people do object to keeping them in small containers....however in my personal experience they have done just fine and they seem to be more happy then my brothers betta who lives in a 1 gal, and they look ancient because their fins are so long. and the oldest is four years old and still going. i feed them regularly and change their water weekly (completley using filtered water) and they are in perfect health, and swim around with fins extended all the time and the colors are still rich and deep. the main thing i focus on is keeping the water clean and they havent EVER gotten sick. im going to make them a ten gallon eventually or get a nice 6 betta tank and double up the spaces for them. the 20 degrees is c i suppose and im not sure how cool that is but, mine live in about 70-72 f. i think it just depends on how much attention you give your fish. and if you can find a gallon or so sized bin for them you can put them on a higher shelf to avoid the little cousin problem. i have the same thing. good luck.:)

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Jul 14, 2003
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heres a small note

goto walmart
walkt o the tuberwear section but a 1.5 gallon for it for a dollar

then u got a happy fish

really though. if the fish has room to move around and u change its water. they are pretty happy

1/2 gallon is good for a betta :)

i have thats 4 1/2 years old now
he has bene in a beanie baby conatainer his whole life :)


Forum Manager
May 16, 2003
smalltank98 thats 20 degrees celcius...not farenheit. Thats about 68 degrees F and probably a little cool for a betta, but if thats what he was used to then I'm sure he was fine. They tend to be more active if the water is warmer I believe.

I also think a margarine container is probably bigger than those little cups that most bettas live in on shelves, so it was alright :) Although if I had to choose I would follow infinity's lead and head to the tupperware section at Walmart and get something a little bit bigger :)