Will a zebra danio school with a glofish


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; I had some regular danio and glofish danio in a tank together at one time. The best that I recall is that they swam together some of the time but not as closely as they swam with the danio's of their same color. The glofish danio's have not proved as hardy for me as the regular zebra danioes as i only have some regular zebras left and cannot go take a look.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Even fish that are "suppose" to school don't do it all the time in an aquarium I am finding. They may school in their natural setting, but I am sure not finding that to be true when I put them in a tank. My neons are all over the place. They have more of a tendency to get together is frightened, but even then half may go one way and half the other.


Large Fish
Feb 1, 2010
British Columbia, Canada
I agree....they might school together or they might not. My tetra's (of all types) kinda school together but since they generally feel safe in my tank they often spread out from each other.
But they definitely seem to know who is of there type...they always stay closer rummynose to rummynose vs. rummynose to neon.