will gourami fight?


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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after seeing all these nice photos of gourami, i am thinking of getting some!
i'm just not sure if they'll fight with my other fish in the tank... i've heard bad / sad stories about them fighting with betta's

I've got some female betta, angels, tetras, guppies in the tank. is it a good idea to get ~3 gourami?


Superstar Fish
Jan 8, 2004
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I'm new so don't take this as actual advice, just my opinion. Before I knew better I did keep bettas with gouramis with some success. the problem is it's hit or miss, you may have mild bettas and no problems but odds are better that you'll heve "personality conflicts." Bettas just don't do well with other anabantiods, from what I understand. And pardon me for asking but are angels actually supposed to be in a community tank? I'm not trying to be rude I have just always heard that they shouldn't be.


Superstar Fish
Yes, they can be in a community tank. You'ev just got to watch what you put in with them. AS long as the fish aren't nippy or can fit into the angel's mouth.

Yes, gouramis COULD work in that tank, but the odds of getting one , let alone THREE, very docile gouramis is slim to none.

PS - I'm more concerned about the guppies and angels than the female bettas...


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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yes, i know that angels aren't community fish, and they shouldn't be in one.
i've got my 3 angels when they're ~1cm long in diameter, and they grow up with the other tetras / guppies in the tank. They are now ~ 7cm in diameter, and sometimes they do fight with one another, but they're still very gentle to the other species in the tank. They seem to learn that neons are friends but not food :) Looks like showing them the movie finding nemo works.
anyway, it's not a good idea to have angels in a comm tank... and i think i won't add more trouble to the tank by getting some gourami.

thanks guys!