will this work?


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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an marble angel+betta(should i get male or female?)+two clown loaches into about 10gal tank
don't know about my water yet because i don't have a tesst kit as of right now temp will probably be around 75-80ish


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Um, lets revisit what mike said...

The rule of thumb is 10g/angel (29 is commonly used for a breeding pair). Loaches are pretty darn slow growers, I've had my 1.5" clown for just about 6 months, and I haven't noticed much growth (nice decrease in snail population though). I'd be more worried about the angel outgrowing the 10g in short order (they get pretty cramped, especially if they're a veil or super veil).

As for buying loaches, about all I can tell you is get ones that look decent (darker black is better). Make sure to QT them, as they will probably get ich due to the stress of the move. Cure with salt (slowly raise level up to around 2tbsp/gal) and higher temps (86), make sure you're doing very regular water changes (daily or twice daily is prefered) while the loach is recovering.

don't know about my water yet because i don't have a tesst kit as of right now
I'm assuming you mean ph and hardness... Do yourself a favor, don't bother with those kits... Make sure your water conditions (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are good. pH and hardness are pretty irrelevant unless you're breeding. Never mind the fact that the fish you have chosen are from radically opposite ends of the water spectrum.

I personally wouldn't do it in a 10g, a 20-29 would be better, keeping in mind the loaches would need to be moved in time.


Large Fish
Oct 31, 2002
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Well...I got two clown loaches and a male betta (blue and white) i was going to get a female betta also for a different tank but the ones that the LFS had for sell look half dead plus they only have three females left so i didn't get one
so far they all seem to be doing pretty good... the two loaches explore the tank together(makes me think of Lewis and Clark....maybe i should call em that)
the betta swims around minding his own business and i haven't seen him flare his gills at anyone yet

also one more question....I want to get more loaches(maybe 1or2), will it be ok if the newer loaches are a inch or so bigger then the ones i have now?
thanks guys/gals