Does anyone know if earwigs are posinous to fish? my male betta had a half eaten one in his tank when I changed the water today and now he isn't feeling well at all!
The last picture is him now, while not feeling well. His colour is gone down, and I can see his veins in his tail and along his bottome fin and even thru his middle. He did also have some ich spots, but they went away the next day, so I didn't haveta medicate him for it. I gave him a drop of bettafix tho.
The last picture is him now, while not feeling well. His colour is gone down, and I can see his veins in his tail and along his bottome fin and even thru his middle. He did also have some ich spots, but they went away the next day, so I didn't haveta medicate him for it. I gave him a drop of bettafix tho.